These articles are either genuinely good or written by me (so you will have to be the judge of those ones!)
On handling heartbreak
On flirting:
Flirting and Body language - be quiet and non-threatening until they decide you are 'safe'
The five types of flirting - some are better than others
Evidence based flirting tips - including: when flirting with a man use a direct no-nonsense approach
Becoming more charismatic - or how Bill Clinton does it!
On online dating
More on on-line dating
Women find 'undecided' men more attractive
On choosing the right person:
Date more kind men with shared interests and good values
Don't persist in the hope that you can change them
Be extra careful about your choices when you are feeling lonely
Choose based on what they actually do, rather than what they say they do
How our conversation inadvertently signals whether we are looking for a one night stand or a relationship
Why decisive rather than attractive women end up with the best men
Is it time to settle?
Is there something wrong with me?
And other dating bits and pieces:
How relationships develop - from a male point of view
Dating over 40
How did your relationship fair while you were compiling the list? Must've taken a while... thanks for the effort, some interesting links. Cheers, Charlie